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In the spirit of a true Beit Knesset—a meeting place that brings people together—we seek to share with one another all the joy, beauty, and deep meaning to be found in Jewish living. We pray, play and look out for one another as a community and as children of Avraham and Sarah, the models of caring in the Torah. We consider it a priority that all our members have the opportunity for meaningful ritual participation, and feel truly valued within our kehillah.

  • Programming to meet multi-generational needs and interests
  • Dedicated youth and teen staff and robust programming
  • Regular social evenings to enhance our friendships, that have included karaoke, improv, “Chopped” events, musical café nights, and more
  • MOFIA program for ages 50+
  • Support for each other with baby, shiva, and illness meals
  • Areivim initiative for reaching out beyond our walls to the White Plains community
  • Israel Action Committee participation
  • Bikkur cholim committee that organizes visits to the sick at local hospitals, and a Kesharim program that helps maintain community connections with the home-bound
  • Annual blood drive
  • Jewish Scouts troupe
  • Proud engagement with the full Jewish community and other synagogues of White Plains across denominations


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785